ECON Test Meters


Flexible on-the-go testing using a hand held meter is ideal for a variety of applications including environmental monitoring, pools, spas and more.

DescriptionPart Number
ECON 7021 Pocket Conductivity/TDS/Temp/Salinity MeterWTS-B100774
ECON 5031 Pocket TDS MeterWTS-B100777
ECON Expert CTS MeterWTS-B100776
ORP Test 10 TesterWTS-B100791
ECON 7011 Pocket pH Meter Redox (additional probe required)WTS-B100781
ECON Expert pH MeterWTS-B100784
ECON pH 5011 Pocket pH MeterWTS-B100785
8200 Multi-Function MeterWTS-B100766
ECON 6742 Chlorine Free and Total MeterWTS-B101474

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