Marine Boiler & Cooling Water Test Kits


The range of SHIPSAFE® marine boiler and cooling water test kits are designed to monitor water treatment chemicals added to diesel engine cooling systems and low, medium or high pressure boilers. The SHIPSAFE® range of reagents supplied are non-hazardous for shipping and the products have been specially selected and combined into a range of specific, fully portable test kits for easy convienient testing on-site. Upgrades are available depending upon treatments used.

Tablet count methods have been historically used in the marine industry. The tablet count process forces the sample water to change colour based on the number of tablets added. The value can then be determind on a conversion table based on the number of tablets it takes for the colour to change.

Tablet count methods are classed as hazardous for shipping and less accurate than the recently developed drop test methods. For non-hazardous options please refer to the SHIPSAFE® range of boiler and cooling water test kits.

DescriptionPart Number
Marine Boiler Water KitWTS-K100171
Marine Cooling Water KitWTS-K100172
Marine Boiler & Cooling Water KitWTS-K100173
309 Cooling Water KitWTS-K100437
310 Boiler Water KitWTS-K100606
312 Hydrazine KitWTS-K100960
313 DEHA KitWTS-K100749
Glysacorr® Test KitWTS-K100761
Total Hardness LR & HR Drop Test KitWTS-K100366

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